Friday, 6 December 2019

Day-Star Rising

1. The New Church Writings hide no less than a rosetta stone
quinary frame of which -- precise alignment with the Word --
confers an answer key add-access code, much as our Lord
unlocked Nehushtan-Resurrection, this a thousandfold.
This eerie Earth is like an icy stream wherein the Lord
exposes humankind! We’re in a tadpole factory now
The proud prowl, so bewildered and obsessively in pain.
The envious, likewise tormented as a leaking boat,
must live this truth that sets them free to be led by the Lord:
that Jesus is our goodness and our status and our skill;
that saying less than this if well-aware is thievery!
That God respects not persons? Why, this same sword in us all.

2. The positive desire to serve the Lord & all mankind 
is Heaven; fear of punishment lives out prospective hell.
The observation of one’s thoughts in order to observe 
for flares of evil, be these wheresoever found, is God’s.
We do not steal ferraris, do not lop off heads; therefore
our trouble is within, from which proceed obsessive thoughts,
the same discoursed on by the Lord, which
are the bulk of human sin. You’d think they’d look inside, those
lovers of the Lord (who said the Kingdom was within)! 
You look within, you watch for evil thoughts and you confess
them to the Lord. Not that you cannot mention them to all,
didactically to indicate interiors for all.

3. For instance, one resented people for such trivial
transgressions as the soiling of a plastic bag. You tell
the Lord these things, you bring up anger management, you care
about this pressing taming of your animality,
this phase shift from Accusing Saul to the Excusing Paul
(if so be His regeneration dwelleth in your heart)
amid domestication, our resentment crucified,
as crucified as bitterness and foolishness and hate.
It’s these we crucify; it’s cruelty, a serrated tongue
we crucify. We need not crucify our joy of life, 
gift of the Lord, but evil thoughts and evil habits, lies
and greed and lust and doing good for gain. Hence “Watch and pray"!

Friday, 8 November 2019

Regeneration’s Second Work of Grace

Humiliating: it’s His talent. We’re 
no good, not in ourselves, motes in sunbeam.
The same sword pierces through us meme by meme.
as fate’s machinery, mates’ hates, near fear,

all grinding of sandpaper in our lives --
backbiting comments, flat tyres, nagging wives --
conspire to rob us of free, fragile peace
where it makes sense to quest for golden fleece.

We believe we live forever in the Word,
not out of it: the sword that pierces through,
the First and Second Comings' “...all things new”
" within you"! Now, comforted and spurred,

to speak of He who is our bitten tongue,
our tact, our managed temper, each good deed.
His way He works in us, so seldom sung,
fosters humanity in us indeed

who were brute beasts before His spirit lit
us, next explained flown evil thoughts as flood,
thus how led land lay. Pulled one from the pit,
He did: out of mire muck, out of the mud,

out of the Mariana Trench where one preened, prone
to absence of executive control
with callous arrogance, heart hard young stone,
a rutting chimpanzee's worth of lost soul.

…Love happened in one’s living room, vast joy
not an emotion but His living mind.
He really does love veering humankind.
He frees us to be far more than a toy.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Our liberation from obsessive thoughts is Jesus Christ

1.Miraculously actuarial,
the woes on Chorazin/Bethsaida paint
one category of true balances. 
False balances abhorred, Suleiman say.
True balances confirm one's foundling faith,
confirm consistency's miraculous 
expansion. Called miraculous because
of able absence on an inner plane
of outer contradiction sandtraps. Shoo!
Obsessive thought is flavoured alien.

2. You hardly need ouija boards 
to hear from the unkind undead. 
They have to work around the house
you see, the house one calls a head.

They are a hate track in your mind!
obsessive thought that is not you,
and just like you they were designed. 
A single human being is a crew –

“alone yet not alone” -- more than
it knows. For manimals are brutes,
within them beasties. Welcome in!
Welcome aboard to bearing fruits,

to doing good because it’s good
and not to get promoted, make 
a killing, wow the neighbourhood.
God is our good for goodness sake.

3. Obsessive thought-forms know how to induce
perversions of legitimate pursuits.
for instance turning love of solitude
(where also loved our Lord) into a curse
upon all sociality but roads,
encyclopediae, and similar. 
Our vaunted solitude is simply not
a thing! “[A]lone yet not alone”, God said
when incarnating in the nick of time.
We have no actual privacy at all. 

4. Do you resent this? Mind's eye: summon shape
of yon resentment. How does shape compare
with lust or hate? Our squirm of evil is
rebellion, as its wang in harvest field
or inbox indicates, a dark pinched flare
of evil, weevils in the hearts of hates.
Our tweezers wander like a lion to 
devour, (No one wields such gentle tongs
as God.) warily wander axial!
and spherical! and dazed! We are so cruel.

5. The architecture of obsessive thought
may be inverted to “excuse” and not 
“accuse” the neighbour whom we claim to love; 
that is, it may be turned against itself.
Regeneration hollows lions out
like jack o’ lanterns, grows a rabbit in
their hearts. Uniqueness of their washing does
not simply go away, well represents
domestication in the house of God.
The mental lion lies down with the Lamb.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Thou shalt not forget thy PPE

And “fire”, or how to make 
the flame-retardant raiment
came down from on high, 
consumed who would not
yet strap into their protective gear.
To wear a “Babylonish garment” 
piles on coal! and that is why 
who stoked the furnace died!
For “jealousy [doth] burn like fire”
and magnanimity is deadly to the dead. 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Street Battles of the Latter Twenty Teens

…neither shadow of turning…” -- James 1:17
Worn tents on Skid Row really dry one out.
It makes one wonder. Energy return
declining? Makes one wonder: what about
drill-baby-drill then dry tree? Will we learn
in time to save the day?
American society disintegrates,
so that return of each to his own land
no more United but the Disunited States,
seems much too plausible on every hand.
We’re getting in the way!
It’s like the 1930s on the streets.
Antifa blocks streets, clashes with Proud Boys.
Street battles shake the proles with polar cleats.
Professional protesters preen with toys
that will come due some day
such as those masks with deadman jawbones on.
Struck with a bolt of ideology,
they regimentedly feel put-upon.
They stream out of the muddled middle, flee
where they can have a say
from out the abnegated centre where-
be general thickening, unknown.
One takes positions on the orange man’s hair
with precious time on Earth that is on loan
while ours all gradually gray.
There is a name for all of this, you know.
The oligarchies’ techniques have a name!
Divide-and-Conquer Punch-and-Judy show. 
This but a single way they's play the game
at bus stops on the way.
While on His throne the Lord of Yang and Yin,
all things & Everyman & you and yours
takes all Creation for a scenic spin:
some umpteen simultaneous travel tours

beyond the forms of sense perception 
time & space

Octopus: The Necessary Model

Мне нужно модель мира с языками.

“...didst weaken the nations” -- Isaiah
Whither the White West? SIREN
Whither everybody? DOOF DOOF
Whither every ethnically homogeneous
land? O diasporisation! Welcome!
Welcome to our home phyletic tree!

Genetic politics of borders
represent with colour-blind
initiatives left, right, and blue,
and blooming of progressive algorithms,
and among us children holding signs up 
for their masters in the distance.

Looks like the coagulation of 
a tower breaks apart and then 
returns much larger, but one can’t
be sure among these sharp, shear, edgy edges,
marches, frontiers, fresh grounds, tentacles’
tangle. As with tower, so with

octopus, a microcosm & 
a model. “…part of iron &
part of clay…” (from book of Daniel)
Modelling as simultaneously &
penetratingly constructive strands
like kudzu by an interstate

on power pylons: Necessary
Model: simultaneous 
rotation of green tentacles
among known nations. Web-bots process Earth
like stratigraphic columns with word
base, like Jesus’ 7 flying eyes.