Friday, 6 December 2019

Day-Star Rising

1. The New Church Writings hide no less than a rosetta stone
quinary frame of which -- precise alignment with the Word --
confers an answer key add-access code, much as our Lord
unlocked Nehushtan-Resurrection, this a thousandfold.
This eerie Earth is like an icy stream wherein the Lord
exposes humankind! We’re in a tadpole factory now
The proud prowl, so bewildered and obsessively in pain.
The envious, likewise tormented as a leaking boat,
must live this truth that sets them free to be led by the Lord:
that Jesus is our goodness and our status and our skill;
that saying less than this if well-aware is thievery!
That God respects not persons? Why, this same sword in us all.

2. The positive desire to serve the Lord & all mankind 
is Heaven; fear of punishment lives out prospective hell.
The observation of one’s thoughts in order to observe 
for flares of evil, be these wheresoever found, is God’s.
We do not steal ferraris, do not lop off heads; therefore
our trouble is within, from which proceed obsessive thoughts,
the same discoursed on by the Lord, which
are the bulk of human sin. You’d think they’d look inside, those
lovers of the Lord (who said the Kingdom was within)! 
You look within, you watch for evil thoughts and you confess
them to the Lord. Not that you cannot mention them to all,
didactically to indicate interiors for all.

3. For instance, one resented people for such trivial
transgressions as the soiling of a plastic bag. You tell
the Lord these things, you bring up anger management, you care
about this pressing taming of your animality,
this phase shift from Accusing Saul to the Excusing Paul
(if so be His regeneration dwelleth in your heart)
amid domestication, our resentment crucified,
as crucified as bitterness and foolishness and hate.
It’s these we crucify; it’s cruelty, a serrated tongue
we crucify. We need not crucify our joy of life, 
gift of the Lord, but evil thoughts and evil habits, lies
and greed and lust and doing good for gain. Hence “Watch and pray"!