the woes on Chorazin/Bethsaida paint
one category of true balances.
False balances abhorred, Suleiman say.
True balances confirm one's foundling faith,
confirm consistency's miraculous
expansion. Called miraculous because
of able absence on an inner plane
of outer contradiction sandtraps. Shoo!
Obsessive thought is flavoured alien.
2. You hardly need ouija boards
to hear from the unkind undead.
They have to work around the house
you see, the house one calls a head.
They are a hate track in your mind!
obsessive thought that is not you,
and just like you they were designed.
A single human being is a crew –
“alone yet not alone” -- more than
it knows. For manimals are brutes,
within them beasties. Welcome in!
Welcome aboard to bearing fruits,
to doing good because it’s good
and not to get promoted, make
a killing, wow the neighbourhood.
God is our good for goodness sake.
3. Obsessive thought-forms know how to induce
perversions of legitimate pursuits.
for instance turning love of solitude
(where also loved our Lord) into a curse
upon all sociality but roads,
encyclopediae, and similar.
Our vaunted solitude is simply not
a thing! “[A]lone yet not alone”, God said
when incarnating in the nick of time.
We have no actual privacy at all.
4. Do you resent this? Mind's eye: summon shape
of yon resentment. How does shape compare
with lust or hate? Our squirm of evil is
rebellion, as its wang in harvest field
or inbox indicates, a dark pinched flare
of evil, weevils in the hearts of hates.
Our tweezers wander like a lion to
devour, (No one wields such gentle tongs
as God.) warily wander axial!
and spherical! and dazed! We are so cruel.
5. The architecture of obsessive thought
may be inverted to “excuse” and not
“accuse” the neighbour whom we claim to love;
that is, it may be turned against itself.
Regeneration hollows lions out
like jack o’ lanterns, grows a rabbit in
their hearts. Uniqueness of their washing does
not simply go away, well represents
domestication in the house of God.
The mental lion lies down with the Lamb.