Friday, 19 August 2016

Sin, with reference to the painter Ljuba (couplets)

"O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the Earth!" -- Psalm 96:1

The Bible says that we are slaves to sin.
Well, one is much the same as other men, 
in this regard, but can articulate 
the fact that lust is shaped the same as hate
in one’s mind’s eye. Are these, then, "unclean"?
I will explain exactly what I mean,
but first would like to mention Djuba’s work --
“Temptations, Afterwards” -- where 'cthulhus' lurk,
where what was throbbing is unraveling. 
One mentions this for those whose traveling
is less internal & more visible,
whose consciousness is less divisible 
into compartments & comparisons.
Most horses don’t see their caparisons,
so that is why I’m holding up a glass.
It isn’t just a pretext to be crass. 
It’s why the human male smokes afterwards 
& why it says “unclean & hateful birds”. 
Such pairings are not simply accidents,
& what at first seems simple can be dense. 
Paul says, “[that] which I would not, that I do”.
It’s shaped like the recurrence when we stew
about someone or something, or we lust
about someone or something. So, I trust
the Bible’s psychological insight.
We need not merely believe who know the Light.