Wednesday, 17 August 2016

'Let's all go to Europe & America!' (blank verse)

Her face would be unrecognisable,
but there’s a blind spot to Enlightenment. 
No wall can trump an ancient prophecy.
No ideology can stem the tide. 
They vomit from clay souths into iron norths.
They’re in the book of Daniel, Ch. 2;
atop Tren de la Muerte roofs; crowded
on decks of overloaded, sinking ships.

To rule those feet of iron & clay, you’ll end
up with dictatorship* to keep the Pax.

* In the model by which one understands human governance, and because of which one has never voted, there are soft oligarchies & hard, covert oligarchies & overt. Iron brings forth soft, covert oligarchy of its nature -- the so-called 'representative democracies' whose reality Machiavelli describes in The Prince; but if iron should mix with clay, then that which sufficed for the iron must change to suffice for the admixture. So it is that the soft totalitarianism becomes both increasingly hard & obvious at once.