Thursday, 30 April 2015

Uchronie (poem originally published in PNZ 43)

(written in 2009)

‘...The thirty Emperors of New Zealand
after the collapse of its Republic in 2095
extended their domain’s possessions
to include Tasmania, New Guinea,
parts of balkanized Australia &...’
‘The institution of “protectorates”
(involving annexation & alliance,
this latter in some cases genuine)
by Emperor Murray VI marked the imposition
of that order from without
which far-flung Australian city-states
& small, unstable leagues thereof --
harassed by raiders
from the Javan Caliphate & crippling droughts
domestically -- so sorely needed...’
‘...Aching teleology or lack thereof of history...
most regrettable... the Brisbane massacre....
my sphere of axis shudders....
hacked-off-breast phenomenon, albeit cultural...’