Thursday, 30 April 2015

Impressions of the Caliphate: The Archipelagan Herald November 3rd, 2067

(steampunk poem originally published in PNZ 43)

Cargo dirigibles may be a common
sight for residents of Auckland, Melbourne,
Brisbane, Sydney or Christchurch, but the airship
might as well have been a flying jinn
to most Djakarta, Java residents
on Friday when a delegation from
the Australasian Common Area --
gawking right back at them -- climbed rope ladders
down into negotiation mode with
waiting priyayi. Humidity streamed
down tanned faces, moistened Dundee hats, &
often wiped the etchasketch of thought
like regularly beating gongs. ‘The Caliph
peace be upon him would like an airship’
‘...preferential trading...’ ‘Yes...’ ‘Moluccan
spices...’ ‘ exchange for which the Caliph
peace be upon him will build trendy teal mosques
all over your countries...’ ‘Up yours, mate’... &
so, like compost, inconclusive talks
proceeded for twelve awkward, throbbing hours...