Saturday 9 March 2024

Lacunae in the Category Tree

(This is just a fun sketch drawing together various things one has been thinking about.)

I wonder what the Chachapoyas think 

about the Vikings and Columbus; and

I wonder how a Hutterite reacts

to 'Communism doesn't work', with smiles

perhaps. Or how a Doukhobor reacts.

Their combine harvesters are communist!

Lacunae in the public consciousness

suggest departures into usefulness

in store perhaps for some extremity:

disaster communism; times of war,

of great upheaval socially and technically.

Lacunae in the public consciousness:

for instance Drebbel's working submarine

nearly unknown compared to Leonardo's corkscrew sketch,

the one supposed to be a helicopter; which might work,

surprisingly! But there is something more important here:

occlusion/highlighting will underline an Einstein and

a Leonardo while occluding a De Pretto or

a Drebbel. Suchlike patterns are an opportunity.

Anomalistics also is an opportunity.

Ball lightning even isn't understood!

melange of silicates, of energies,

of iron; extended periods of a containment field;

the sudden winking off of balls of light

and their explosion; djinn, ultraterrestrials;

the trickster as a living ball of light,

a lightning monkey with a willful heart;

projections broadcast by the memory

(the same retrieval process as with dreams)

upon the visual field to cloak the otherwise unseen

spike of electromagnetism there

with a ghost waka or a UFO;

The spikes of energy move with intent.

They wave to us in Papua New Guinea with two hands.

They are an airship and it comes from Mars.

They are where hoaxers go after they die.

They are the dizziness, the time dilations and the burns.

Crab Island incident* and Rendlesham**

and Lakenheathe-Bentwaters*** rotate on their tracks;

*Men died from injuries twice in ten years.

**awarded compensation for his injuries;

***But mostly they just zip around, relax.

Proportions of the lightnings we can sense

will vary class by class in general and specifically

as to hallucinative efficaciousness.

One thinks of infrasound-induced uneasiness.

What time dilating, levitating hooligans of light!

What opportunities to frame our data otherwise!

The rigorous examination of anomalies

patrols the messy marches of imaginative space

on fascinated horses full of beans with eager eyes.