Our mission is to warm while crumbling down;
for when it rains for days we snipe and frown.
Nuke turbines are not turning à la France.
The shipping is not moving dort am Rhine.
White flashes flicker in the desert clouds.
Let's slurp up the Atlantic with a straw,
pour the Pacific Ocean in our maw.
The farms go up the sky and down the sea
after our complex hydrocarbon spree.
The Valley of the Sun gets pushed, then pulled:
monsoons, restrictions on its water use,
hysterical projectionism, gears
within world system processes and trends,
such as the energy our lifestyle spends...
The dropping water levels in Lake Mead
and in Lake Powell demonstrate the need
for other sources for Oasis Base,
for xericulture and less watered lawns,
for binning not our water bottles, for
recycling even our wastewater here.
So much now seems to happen in a year!
We're all so ready fit to burst our seams!
Ready or not, we'll watch our rusting dreams
disintegrating like an industry
that we assumed would last forever, like
a twig contracting back into a branch,
or like a branch reversing towards the trunk.
It's all enough to make a man a monk!
These rapids rear, our Hectic Twenties roar
and frequently one wonders if the soar
will be of phoenix wings or buzzard. Years
careen, supply chains teeter, readjust,
push/pulled by limits/ideology.
This octopus is ready for a romp.
That open road is ready for a tromp.
These eyes look down on nationality.
Though one suspects transnationality
will go the way of nation-states before --
like mansions/opera houses in Detroit
amid Two Minute Hates and Eat-the-bugs --
yet now it flings its Tetrarchies at time;
would fain switch Growth to Degrowth on a dime.
*Transnationality consists in the sum total of interlocking of directorate on steroids and all oligarchies as well as their interrelations, being independent of national boundaries and having supplanted the nation-state in an orderly series of power centralizations and aggregations. There is no economic feudalism apart from concomitant demographic, political and linguistic feudalism. There is no economic mercantilism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic mercantilism. There is no economic capitalism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic capitalism. There is no economic globalism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic globalism. And there is no economic degrowth without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic degrowth.