Hysterical totalitarian
humongous “Long Emergency” Peak Oil
Peak Everything Peak Population Eek!
Despite totalitarian features in these creepy crawly men
I would be more concerned about our error and our sin.
Seek Him and worry not about the mark
in hand which is the same old sin or mark
in head that is the same old error, not
some technocratic fearporn zombie film
catastrophism worry lest one damn
oneself by getting barcode, feeding kids!
It winds them up with burning fear, it rends their hearts.
May all such fearporn on this Earth be broken down for parts.
There's too much boogabooga, Brave New World...
Like smog, it can't be healthy for the young
or old or "man unkind". Fear is itself
totalitarian, but never believe
a Big Lie if you can avoid mere faith
in governments and corporations to
be affable sincere upfront and not
have interests, some inimical, perhaps,
to citizens who have a conscience left.
You have enough to keep you up at night,
need oil and wine poured in your wounds, and light!
Let's flee their clutches to our nearby calm
tranquility alertness diligence
renewing spirituality! May dawn
of timelessness within the flesh of time,
the fountain of His timelessness in us,
instruct you, bloom in you, convey you forth
in safety, well up in your conscience like
a lamp! Let not this world dishearten you.
Let not this treacherous ochlocracy's
canned cancelation cancel you for good.
Let not this stampede with a million eyes
surveilling all with not cabal but mob
suspicion, roving revolution, Rome,
stamp over you with hooves of cesium
and technocratic sacking of Bastilles,
and anarchic surveilled swiveling eyes!
O Lord, open their eyes that they might see
the nurturance and light you showed to me.
Lest gentle bread and subtle wine die out,
degenerating into eating bread with care
by measure, drinking water (wine too) with
astonishment, may God blow on the coal
of His Church in the wilderness of here
and now; that gentleness may prosper here
as in the Heavens not the bread of night
and wickedness and mourning; and that wine
and not the wine of violence of the lie /
the error / the distortion may light up
this labyrinth with glory, inmost breadth.
He rides the horse of understanding in the Word
beyond the flicking surface angel's flaming sword.