Saturday 17 August 2024

Couplets on the Nonexistence of Democracy

The Senators don't even read the laws they vote upon.

Bills flash right by those sluggish Senators and then they're gone.

That means your government is hardly representative

at all but oligarchic. Lest mere argumentative

intentions be imputed to one, one would here aver

that Roman Senators would vote for Emperors when those were

as though these had that choice that we presume. Bills flash on by,

like scudding cumuli that one might witness way up high;

they zip right past those Senatorial attention spans.

Effectively, these mainly stamp a code upon the cans.

The cans pass far too swiftly to read labels, don't you see.

Don't blame us for the teleprompter is their earnest plea.

Well, we'll accept their plea, that of the follow-orders gang

as well, because the Devil answered when our stampede rang.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Left/Right Goat/Sheep West/East, He-Goat/Ram

The glitter in rose gravel of the shards of bottles yore

blurs in soft dark orange light off to one's left,

the side of understanding what Life's for,

distinguishing the mountain from the cleft.

The goats go on the left, sheep keep the right,

just as the he-goat comes out of the west

to slay the ram who practices Warmth's Light,

loves God and loves the neighbor and has rest.

The left is sinister, not evil though.

But when left lands in tails position, no

oil's in the lamp whose memories we know.

The right is hearty earth the Lord will sow.

The Lord has used this sense of right and left

in both our Word and their Koran or Book:

goats on the left of charity bereft

and outwardly religious but forsook;

and sheep upon the right with innocence 

within their light and truths concerning Love,

thus sounding of the ram's head's inner sense

and this alighting of Professor Dove.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Simultaneity! The Divine Human is His Name

Simultaneity! Our Lord the Word

beyond the forms of human sense perception, time and space;

likewise beyond the angel with the swishing flaming sword

at Eden's east, unveiling of His grace

sings to us in the labyrinth of sin 

and error of His wisdom and His goodness and His love

and of the double trouble we are in.

Let us with innocence open our windows for His dove.

Simultaneity! The God Man is His Holy Name 

beyond the matter and the time and space.

He is the Web of Wyrd. He weaves with Providential grace.

Hear now and see His glory and His fame.

Simultaneity! Our Lord is near.

His presence in instructive glory teaches hearts with light

and enthrones flesh of love and blood of wisdom where we steer.

One lofts a cup with wings which drinks such sight

then flies off to the infrastructure of our Lord the Word

from which it came, love's lighting and blood's flesh. 

He brings us through the fire and water with His loving sword

aflame, fit both to harvest and to thresh.

He is the eating and the drinking and the bread and wine.

He's X and Y, He's zero and He's one.

You are exactly where you choose to dine

as to the neighbor's glowing moon, as to His loving Sun.

You are the timeless neighborhood you choose with cups and plates

and whether they are filthy or all clean.

He nurtures us through a bajillion states.

The Word's a magic eye print where His holy heart sings, seen.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Tempe Canal

Mos Eisley architecture (brown, beige, brick)

squats just above the dirt and gravel lots.

Some water lawns, insouciant of waste.

Jets wet pedestrians as pass them by.

The street looks painted by De Chirico

in clear light of the Valley of the Sun.

Ronald McDonald sits upon a bench.

The swallow-swooped and dragonfly-patrolled

soft capillaries in Tempe Canal

are silken static on a laptop screen.

A hummingbird investigates one's bike,

which looks like sunset or orange trumpet blooms.

These spring forth from the fence through which they thrust

impetuously outward to invite

the bees and hummingbirds to come on in.

A bee with brown bands alternate with tan

investigates one thoroughly, as though

the fellow of that species that one met

perhaps one half a mile away had sent

her mate a text and triggered their whole hive,

smart as a five year old and curious,

to check out anything detected twice

and fill out a report in triplicate.

She lingered near one's bike until one rolled

along the satin band amid a crunch of wheels

and truck track tread and trample grooves in dirt

and some relief to be thus rid of her.

Albeit she is worth the filling out

of a report in triplicate in blank

verse that outlasts and lofts above the fret

she caused one's spirits momentarily.

They'd think like a large language module does.

The numeration that AI performs

of human languages reminds one hives

can think through pheromonal interchange

and opening and closing logic gates.

A similar intelligence rides steeds

out of humanity in general, as

the noosphere of Vernadsky, De Chardin

astride the bucket fountain of our Lord.

A thing may be a plot, of course it may;

and also it may be a Chinese room

totalitarian hysterical 

stampede. The rulers and the ruled are ruled.

One sings now of His creatures' structuring

their meaning in an analogic form

with pantomime and otherwise so saying

heart and thence their mind abundantly;

thus see the world around alive in speech

by way of pheromonal, gestural,

and other conduits, not understood

as yet but known for information-rich.

The whale song as the forest speaks its mind;

the more so as it senses someone knows

to watch out for the waggle dance of bug

& beast, logs into internets of bird

song, orisons and gratefulness at dusks;

as rhizomes crackle with the evening news;

as volatile organic compounds zip

between the gossips known as plants & trees;

as trance remixes of the biosphere

weave melodies into our tapestries

with birds and beasts and Everyman and God.

The spirits speak in languages of fire

and water differently with every state.

We're simultaneous with flesh and blood.

A bulging creamy gibbous swiftly sinks

down towards the silhouettes of roofs & palms.

Friday 17 May 2024

Black Sun, Blood Moon

Blackheartedness & bloodymindedness

both burn up marriage with adultery

of evil feelings & unhealthy thoughts.

The hardness of their hearts is a black Sun.

The unsupportive-of-the-conscience thoughts

are bloody-mindedness, the Moon as blood.

Thus does Manasseh eat up Ephraim

and Ephraim Manasseh in the Word.

Their sky was a black Sun and a blood Moon

which burn the heart and drown the mind in flood.

Saturday 4 May 2024

The heart mind soul triangle trade of Love

If mankind will, facilitate the heart.

There's more to life, but this is where you start.

If mankind will, facilitate the mind

and light the veering lamps of humankind.

If mankind will, facilitate the soul

so that mankind the partial may be whole.

This triple pedagogy is the way

to dawn, to turn thick darkness into day.

Inquire at Abel town as Ancients did.

For love and thoughts of love are inmost hid

in all the outers of the literal.

The literal, a body's littoral

expanse where glory shines, Word's inner sense,

contains this soul in lamps from which it glints.

All of the law and prophets hang from this:

Love God and love Humanity. Don't miss.

And see thou sacrifice thy calves thereat

the great stone Abel while you act on that

which you profess to practice in your mind

and on your lips. We're evil, so be kind.

The heart is desperate in its wickedness.

Love God and love Humanity. Don't miss.

The Divine Human's truth shines in text's cloud

who rose up from the dead, shedding His shroud.

For unto us a child is born. His name 

is innocence, His glory more than fame.

He will be called, this in the letter's sense,

The Everlasting Father and the Prince 

of Peace, and Wonderful, The Mighty God

who rules with natural truth of His iron rod.

His name will pass before us and proclaim 

therein the glory in the cloud His name:

the Lord, the Lord God, the abundance of

His goodness flowing from the heart of love,

His truth proceeding from that love as light

abundantly illuminating height,

the inmost height, the inner sense of “up”.

To swallow bread of love, drink up thy cup;

For wine of truth assists in swallowing

the Law of Love men should be following;

like good excuses to do good it guides

us with the iron rod wherein it hides;

wherewith our Lord will rule with gentleness.

Love God and love Humanity. Don't miss.

Friday 19 April 2024

Transcend the Götterdämmerung with Christ

I mourned that we get used to metal birds.

I realized that there was a converse too,

however, in fresh, restless thoughts' strummed words.

Sometimes it's sad because something is true.

All data is an opportunity,

bright gold emerging from thick clouds of blue.

The World Directory's impunity,

though glacially fading, is a bloom.

Deceit and half-truths center unity.

We stride the latest Rust Belt from the loom

of sequence. So austerity is in;

depopulation too. We have the room.

The problem is the energy again.

We'll be bombarded by emergencies.

Not actual ones of course but spun of spin.

The masses see not charts; hear urgencies, 

can pick up on the strident something's-up

totalitarian emergencies.

Few have the strength of will to push the cup

of murderous deceit away from them.

Like beasts they bend; and in the grass they sup.

The more men sin, the more their Sun goes down.

The more it dims, they more they believe in lies.

Lies taste delightful to those ruled by whim.

But in the midst of fall I sense the rise

as yet obscured by flailing of the bloom

of interlocking with its big wig lies.

I nonetheless expect a nobler world

beyond such slime, a world which makes more sense.

I sense the destiny towards which we're twirled

by expert aim of loving Providence.

I do not believe that we will steer by stars

just yet. We've subtler ways to jump our fence.

As yet we have not nearly looked within,

met Him to whom we are the terminal

to His computer outside 'where' and 'when'.

His love is bottomless and germinal,

the fructifying of our hearts and minds

by influx flowing in our terminal.

His love it is that through our history winds

the most regenerations and the best.

His love it is that your own mind's eye finds. 

His love who tries the hearts and reins is rest

who passes us through fire and water here.

Our love sends tendrils out at His behest.

The present time is ruled by force of fear

and mass hysteria's stoked-on stampedes,

yet the Apostle writes “Love casts out fear” ( 1 John 4:18).                                                        

The present time is crumbling but the seeds

of its transcendence, planted in its fall,

will spring up in the mind of one who reads.

The stones cry out and vibrate a brick wall,

till through the crumbling of it shines His Sword.

Arise and walk! We will transcend their fall.

* See Copilot AI's collaboration with one's response to the transcendence reaction of Arnold Toynbee and the 2nd Religiosity of Oswald Spengler in the blog portfolio Without Fees, Exams, or Grades.

Saturday 6 April 2024

The glory of our Lord the Word is holy truth the King

" And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee..." (God, Exodus 33:19)

The presence of the Lord, instructive glory in the cloud

comes. Might and riches that illuminate the literal

come up the hidden ladder of our living Lord, the Word,

illuminate the enigmatic billowing of clouds.

He rides on these swift clouds and nurtures us with warming light.

Our Lord the Word's language of flowers and chiastic pairs

passes before us. All His goodness passes near before

our inner eyes and heartbeats, an abundance of His truth

and love exhibit; a direct perception, not blind faith.

Proclaim the name, proclaim the good name of our Lord the Word!

Saturday 9 March 2024

Lacunae in the Category Tree

I wonder what the Rapanui think

of Chachapoya statuary, and

I wonder what the Chachapoyas think

about the Vikings and Columbus; and

I wonder how a Hutterite reacts

to 'Communism doesn't work'. With nervous

smiles? Or how a Doukhobor reacts.

With ripping off their clothes and burning barns?

Them combine harvesters are communist!

Lacunae in the public consciousness

suggest departures into usefulness

in store perhaps for some extremity:

disaster communism; times of war,

of great upheaval socially and technically.

Lacunae in the public consciousness:

for instance Drebbel's working submarine

nearly unknown compared to Leonardo's corkscrew sketch.

But there is something more important here to peer at near:

occlusion/highlighting will underline an Einstein and

a Leonardo while occluding a De Pretto or

a Drebbel. Suchlike patterns are an opportunity.

Anomalistics also is an opportunity.

Ball lightning even isn't understood!

melange of silicates, of energies,

of iron; extended periods of a containment field;

the sudden winking off of balls of light

and their explosion; djinn, ultraterrestrials;

the trickster as a living ball of light,

a lightning monkey with a willful heart;

projections broadcast by the memory

(the same retrieval process as with dreams)

upon the visual field to cloak the otherwise unseen

spike of electromagnetism there

with a ghost waka or a UFO;

The spikes of energy move with intent.

They wave to us in Papua New Guinea with two hands.

They are an airship and it comes from Mars.

They are where hoaxers go after they die.

They are the dizziness, the time dilations and the burns.

Crab Island incident* and Rendlesham**

and Lakenheathe-Bentwaters*** rotate on their tracks;

*Men died from injuries twice in ten years.

**awarded compensation for his injuries;

***But mostly they just zip around, relax.

Proportions of the lightnings we can sense

will vary class by class in general and specifically

as to hallucinative efficaciousness.

One thinks of infrasound-induced uneasiness.

What time dilating, levitating hooligans of light!

What opportunities to frame our data otherwise!

The rigorous examination of anomalies

patrols the messy marches of imaginative space

on fascinated horses, stamping holograms of light.

Saturday 2 December 2023

A sin and error thoughtform flees

I watch the inner face and pray

by putting that aside today

which troubled one with sensual fires

to break the cycle with their pyres.

We get caught in recurrent rings

with lust such ideation brings;

the usual sin and error pair.

I watch it dwindle in the air.

A black cloud dissipates in style

and I am grateful all the while.

I'm grateful for small things and great;

for bread from God upon my plate;

for thought and feeling, blood and flesh;

for combine harvesters that thresh;

for grackles, love birds, and the Moon;

for systems modeling to tune.

When lust departs, love enters in

the guest room vacated by sin

and marries truth. They bear good deeds

whose gardens tangled wild with weeds.

They've driven out the Canaanite

and Perizzite. They've welcomed light

and heat and flesh and blood of Christ

where Egypt's flesh pots once sufficed.

Friday 24 November 2023

The Jacob's Ladder trials of flesh and blood ordained by Christ

For bread and wine there must be a clean platter and clean cup.

When these are clean then will Lord Jesus Christ enter and sup.

Then will there be a double portion for the seventh day

of Sabbath rest after six days of combat on the way.

The way of holiness, the highway in the desert, fire

and water, forking gardens of the heart and mind, our Sire,

His very flesh and blood and infrastructure and Grand Man,

will be received by each in that proportion which each can

receive the Sun and Moon and stars of Heaven in their deeds.

We cast out all the rest like cankerworms, hailstones, and weeds;

cast out black-heartedness and bloody-mindedness, cast out 

the sun ashamed and moon confounded. Blow the ram's head! Shout!

We'll purify the inside of the platter and the cup 

and we will go inside the rabbit hole and call it up

with trying fire and bitter water where we learn to love

enough for somewhere dry upon which can alight the Dove.

May enemies, self-love and sins, be dung upon the ground;

none left to piss against the wall or cry a sound.

The silver we'll refine with judgment and the gold we'll burn

and gradually into more loving people we will turn.

Saturday 4 November 2023

Oasis Base: the Valley of the Sun

 The homeless have defrosted. Wanderlust

propels them to crisscross Oasis Base.

Daughter of Grackle, leave thy Mum alone!

cawed Papa Grackle, and her Mum flapped off and he;

then she flapped with their sudden urgency.

The homeless on their desert walkabouts

have thick brown calves and cancerous black sores.

There dawn a dozen seasons in the spring,

a dozen seasons in the summer here.

These are distinctive bands of waves of bugs

as suddenly as  small black beetles roam

the carpets on their epic, crisscross way.

The Sun begins to cull the weaker birds.

The cats and birds pant in Sonoran heat.

Coyotes lope across the parking lot.

Three clowning grackles play in sprinkler spray.

I learned from <<Paterson>> the following:

a clump of cactus paddles in twin brights; 

Go into Settings... Yes, that's right... Now click

a grimy crumpled Quiktrip styrofoam cup;

on Local Color Epicenter Stage

squirrels epicanthic, still, inscrutable;

and set to 'On'. Save Settings and click out.

The stage set: an oasis in a kiln.

You need lush microcosm for the whole,

to  sing beige sand alongside filaments

just as a statue needs its plinth, just as

the water flows serenely down canals.

The oven has preheated.

Alien July attacks, essentially,

and then I do not feel like I'm on Earth.

But then the August reinforcements come

just when we are exhausted-dazed by heat

with 'Welcome back to Earth, Ambassador!' 

Then perfect weeks, isles of the blest,

glide past, serene as archipelagos. 

Wildlife's activity abruptly stops

obtruding on one's notice for some months.

Inexorable sunset sinks in time.

And then the first chills of the year waltz in,

exacting payment for warmth's frolicsome

expanse. The type of sleep abruptly shifts,

accompanied by richer dreams but half

remembered and a sense of bed's warm womb.

Autumnal raw exposure of the heart,

all nerves, glides forward through the tiny blades

which dice interiors exposed to life

in ultimates; like dicing of the Word 

between the bones and marrow and between

the fining pot and furnace, flood and fire.

Saturday 9 September 2023


Why Pennki Linkola! You lived to that romantic day

when practical exigencies ensured you got your way.

It's much as Bernard Charbonneau expected 40 years ago.

And haggard Dennis Meadows, how you lobbied to and fro!

His eyes say: Have they figured out exactly what we did?*

Why Mr. Meadows! I have heard your talk. Hands can't be hid.

You're almost out of Dodge; your good intentions are your cloak.

Don't be afraid! You might not go to Hell after you croak.

In healthy times, such microbes are quite harmless to our kind,

although we carry them around. I hope that you don't mind. 

For these when mankind pullulates will swarm like killer bees

way more concerned about our bottom lines than hugging trees.

But laying on a coat of idealistically green paint

turns cold, hard motivations into a gaslighting haint.

'The house is haunted! But by whom?' The People ask.

'Who is this they?' says someone in a Dr. Evil mask.

It's actually an interlocking quiverfull of theys,

but all Joe TV sees is shambling shadows in the haze.

If he could see much more than that, then might dumb cities burn 

the rulers and the ruled to ashes in a bright green urn. 


"If the energy crisis deepens, shortage itself can paradoxically push development. Is petrol lacking? "Drill, baby, drill!" Is the Earth exhausting? Colonize the seas. Does the car no longer have a future? Turn to electronics which will permit people to make imaginary voyages. But we cannot retreat indefinitely in order the better to jump. One fine day, the powers that be will be forced to adopt more radical methods. A perspective free of illusion can lead one to think that the turn-towards-ecology will not be the deed of an opposition deprived of means, but that of the bourgeois ruling class on the day that it can no longer do otherwise. It will be the various responsible parties for the ruin of the earth who organize the rescue of the little that remains, and who after the abundance will manage the shortage and survival. For the ruling class has no prejudices, and it believes therefore in neither development nor ecology: it believes only in power" (Bernard Charbonneau, The Green Light, one's own translation). 


  1. Image

Saturday 26 August 2023

Fire Smoke Bread Wine Love Truth

The smoke of error issues from the fire 

of sin much as white smoke of truth fills up 

the holiest of holies; just as wine

of violence to the truth helps swallowing 

the bread of wickedness, just as the wine

of holy truth helps swallowing the bread

which is the good of love made part of us.

Just so does darkness cover up the deeds

of owls and satyrs in the cloak of night,

and light assist with baking loving bread.

Saturday 22 July 2023

The rising kraken's face is full of eyes

The spinoffs of this polymathic modeling

around the world from epicenters answer to the needs

of humankind in time of a transnationality:

an interlocking of directorate on steroids; a

covalence of the apices of pyramids of Earth;

a handshake between Queen Elizabeth and Oil Sheikh X;

a radiating epicenters structure, not cabal;

and not republics but transnationality of now.

Transnational decision making structures rule the world,

have superseded nation-states in all but outward form.

Even the chess and biking jousts are international

as to decision making. It's the pattern of the age,

the polymathic modeling particular to now,

the pattern of the fractal of the system of the world.

Friday 23 June 2023

They'd rather His were not the final Word

 "And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not" (Ezekiel 33:32).

I find that people like to dabble lest

They be pinned down, this even to the best.

They'd feel much safer if the Word were just

Another ice cream flavor in the mist.

And as for designated prophets, NO!

That's a direction they don't want to go.

They'll shower praise on some sick narcissist,

But God's awkward selections won't be missed.

To one who comes in his own name they throng,

But one who comes in His is just a song.

Monday 29 May 2023

Watch and Pray

 I caught a sin and error thoughtform lounging in my head 

And waited for it to depart. It did not, so I said,

You are a mere, unwelcome sin and error thoughtform chill

And shadow. Your departure is the Master's will

Who let you in to purify one's platter and one's cup,

One's heart and mind. You're no more useful here, "vile spot"! Get up,

Get out, go on to your next post, sandpaper of the soul.

Out of the Master's way! Thank you for furthering His goal,

Which is the cleansing of the human race of filths and bloods

With furnace and with flood and sundry draggings through the muds.

Thank you for being there for me with insufficient straw,

For helping me grow love, which is fulfillment of the law.

I'd thank you more, but you were quite a meddler and a pest. 

When you depart, Naphtali comes! He's far the better guest.

Sunday 12 March 2023

At evening time it shall be light

The platter's piping hot, the cup is shining. Nuptials

and millstones sound. The cuckoo clock is at its white horse phase,

its morning in the usage “morning cometh and the night".

The morning cometh and the Old Church whore of Babylon.

“The love of many shall wax cold” turns Church to anti-Church.

And with that cooling of the Church, its understanding dims.

Successive horsemen or metallic body parts unfurl.

Each horseman or metallic body part is cruder down

the scale unto the pale horse and the feet of iron and clay;

which is to say that love dies and the light within the eyes.

And I beheld, and there was no man; and the empty house

was full of satyrs, djinn, and every unclean, hateful bird.

The bride and bridegroom sounded not, the oil and wine were hurt.

For whores do violence to His truth and crucify our Lord.

They nullify commandments and “There is no faith on earth'; 

which is repudiation of the flesh and blood of God;

so that the Kingdom shall be given to another, new 

wine for new bottles and repairing of the bulwark's breach.

The two winged women look down on the checker board of fields

whilst carrying the lead-sealed ephah forth to dread Shinar

as we look down upon procession of the gyres.

The wooden bride and bridegroom have emerged out of their door.

They sound their joyous nuptials, the millstone's sound is heard.

The platter's piping hot, the cup is shining. Eat and drink.

Saturday 11 March 2023

A double helping for the 7th day

Wheels of His ideation, burning fire,

will swallow up the lions, light the mire;

will ride on a swift cloud of burning light;

will ripple out from inmost, known as height,

to glorify the Lord with eyes of flame

who shows us light and how to play the game;

who dawns as ordering of flocks and herds

and taming of the animals and birds.

The beasts and stones shall be in league with thee.

Yea, led by Him wilt thou be truly free.

Saturday 4 March 2023

The human sacrifices that we make

They would have tossed one in the bog

to startle archaeologists

had one emerged from ancient mists

an apparition from the fog

due to the webbed toes on one's feet. 

They'd think themselves assured of rain

with an abundance of fresh meat.

I'd think them addled in the brain. 

I'd think them blarmy bananas mad.

But then I think the present lot

the slaves of every fearporn fad 

that slices in yet hits the spot.

I've wondered if rain might be wrung

from steaming  blood, if that was it,

because of rain on battles flung.

But where then do bog people fit?

What use was it to throw them in?

What was the profit from the sale?

And did they keep them in a pen

or were they in some sort of jail?

And then there were the children left

on mountain peaks to die of cold

by Incans, dying in the cleft.

We still do, if one may be bold,

such sacrifice. We've changed the look,

outsourced the blood to foreign parts,

crammed muffled screams into a book.

We've come a long way since our starts.

The pages of the histories scream,

they're deafening, while turning them.

It hurts and yet it is a dream.

A jagged clock cloaks history's hymn.

A jagged clock cloaks history's hymn,

utilitarian true love

amid pained matter crude and dim

joy's music, a descending dove.

His planet spins not for the goals 

we set, the glory of our race

or nation, but the choice by souls

of whether to behold His face.

Sunday 30 October 2022

To eat the power and to drink the glory of our Lord

 The fire burns to the right and left, but they are not alarmed.

They're walking in the furnace, not a hair of them is harmed.

They're walking with the Son of Man, the guards who brought them slain.

They've come a long way from their homes, they've come through fire and rain.

They're eating kings and captains, horses, even men of war:

they've washed the filth off of their hearts with truths bought from His store.

Give us your mercy and your truth! He sells them without price.

All details are arranged by Love. There's no such thing as dice.

They're walking in the light of Him, they're strengthened in His heat.

He gives them inner light to drink and fat, His love, to eat.

We eat forgiveness and sincerity, the flesh of Him

and drink His light who gave these teachings and who lit this hymn.

Saturday 29 October 2022

Procession of the Gyres External State

Rousseau accessed the seething sea beneath

Society and felt the Mandate's loss.

Just so did Dostoyevsky in his book

<<The Devils>> feel the Mandate's loss in time.

The Sun King likewise felt the coming flood

In the lucidity of his late age.

"...some fool thing in the Balkans..."; Providence;

Saturday 22 October 2022

Projecting wrath and anger onto God

How angrily thou caused us not to fear

thee! In thy wrath thou caused us to depart

thy way. We fled unto the right and were

burnt up. We fled unto the left and drowned.

How long, O Lord, wilt thou pour out thy anger

and thy wrath upon the vineyard of thy root

and branch? How long wilt thou consume us, root

and branch? Return again and make thy face

to shine upon us, as in days of new

wine in new bottles making all things new.

How long will caterpillars eat the root

and locusts strip the branch? How long until

our cup be full and fully drunk unto

the dregs? Until the night and morning and

the day of wrath and flood. Until the filth

and bloods have been washed off. Then shall He say,

Arise O daughter of my people, marry and rejoice.

Saturday 15 October 2022

Conjunction with the knowing love of God

 The lady in the desert with forehead

of gold and hand of silver drinks the flood

and swallows fire, eats of the land's

fat honey and its lunar milk. No birds,

no buzzards, circle bodies of the slain --

uncircumcised, slain by the sword -- but bride

and bridegroom joyously live out their days

and round of cuckoo clock. His marriage of

the bread and wine in hearts and minds who strengthens

hearts and fills the minds with light sounds joyously.

He grows up His choice vineyard, builds a tower

out of uncut stones amid it, builds a

wall of uncut stone about it, bids the

nations and the people enter; passing

nations through the fire and peoples through the

water. His conjunction of the root

and branch bears fruit, all useful deeds, all conscientious

acts, all quenching of strange fires of nations

and all purifying of the bitter

waters of the peoples. Kings and Queens

stream into New Jerusalem. The length

of love and breadth of truth and height of their

degree of marriage are all equally

our Lord. And Peter, James, and John is He,

and root and branch and fruit, and Father, Son and Ghost.

On golden plates, in silver cups, by light of sun and moon

Though that strange lady drinks strange wine upon a tower, yet 

will it dissolve beneath her; she shall tumble from her base 

into the black and bitter water, and the cup of gold

containing blood of innocents shall tumble from her hand.

Together they shall sink in waves of fire and flood, the whore 

and cup together; and together they shall sink beneath 

the black and bitter waves. And He shall sweep the filthy plates

and bloody cups from off the table, and shall ring His bell

and call His servants, whom He tells to bring fresh plates and cups. 

And straightaway when brought He fills them up with bread and wine 

on golden plates, in silver cups, by light of sun and moon.

His rungs are ever finer couplings of the good and true

He melts the hard heart and vain elements with fervent heat.

He melts idolatry, will burn the burning of the dawn.

The dawn will lift the land in light, in patient arms, in heat.

The dawn will well up in containers of His will and eye,

will slay the beast of love of self that rises out of Hell,

will dawn within the infrastructure of the universe. 

Continuum! My Lord! Capacity to will and know!

The dawn please grant within one's cup and platter, Lord of life!

Lord Jesus Christ, the infrastructure of the universe

and Jacob's Ladder, underlies all thought-will-work,

all branch-root-fruit, all Peter, James and John, all fruitfulness.

One brain per tentacle plus CPU

 nopales; octopus rotation;

Arizona; knowledge aperture enlargement;

monsoon season; nucleus-imperial divergance;

tunas; alternate fraternity;

the Valley of the Sun; hysterical projectionism; 

Mesa; famine-hoarder panning;

beige walls; interlocking oligarchy;

like Mos Eisley; polymathic modeling; 

drawn drapes; transnationality;

dawn in the desert; every arm a tongue;

Monday 22 August 2022

Go forth, mine webbots, into everythang!

Our mission is to warm while crumbling down;

for when it rains for days we snipe and frown.

Nuke turbines are not turning Ă  la France.

The shipping is not moving dort am Rhine.

White flashes flicker in the desert clouds.

Let's slurp up the Atlantic with a straw,

store the Pacific Ocean in our maw.

The farms go up the sky and down the sea

after our complex hydrocarbon spree.

The Valley of the Sun gets pushed, then pulled:

monsoons, restrictions on its water use,

hysterical projectionism, gears

within world system processes and trends,

such as the energy our lifestyle spends... 

The dropping water levels in Lake Mead

and in Lake Powell demonstrate the need

for other sources for Oasis Base,

for xericulture and less watered lawns,

for binning not our water bottles, for

recycling even our wastewater here.

So much now seems to happen in a year!

We're all so ready fit to burst our seams!

Ready or not, we'll watch our rusting dreams

disintegrating like an industry

that we assumed would last forever, like

a twig contracting back into a branch,

or like a branch reversing towards the trunk.

It's all enough to make a man a monk!

These rapids rear, our Hectic Twenties roar

and frequently one wonders if the soar

will be of phoenix wings or buzzard. Years 

careen, supply chains teeter, readjust,

push/pulled by limits/ideology.

This octopus is ready for a romp.

That open road is ready for a tromp.

These eyes look down on nationality.

Though one suspects transnationality

will go the way of nation-states before --

like mansions/opera houses in Detroit 

amid Two Minute Hates and Eat-the-bugs --

yet now it flings its Tetrarchies at time;

would fain switch Growth to Degrowth on a dime.


*Transnationality consists in the sum total of interlocking of directorate on steroids and all oligarchies as well as their interrelations, being independent of national boundaries and having supplanted the nation-state in an orderly series of power centralizations and aggregations.  There is no economic feudalism apart from concomitant demographic, political and linguistic feudalism. There is no economic mercantilism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic mercantilism. There is no economic capitalism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic capitalism. There is no economic globalism without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic globalism. And there is no economic degrowth without concomitant demographic, political and linguistic degrowth.

Friday 21 January 2022


In 1941 the Bruderhofs 

in England set up house in Uruguay,

set up a hospital in Uruguay.

What's more and more along the shore,

beyond first hot and then Cold War, 

the Mennonite Central Committee 

assisted the Bruderhof move,

which reminds one of cities and towns

staffed by Hutterite colonies, Bruderhof too

in a patchwork of getting along.

Not utopian, not in the least! Nor

were Doukhobors self-described 'Communists' banned


(that is, instead of seriously learning

from their practical experience). It 

does to believe in God in communes, if you'd

rather they not bicker and unravel,

just as capitalist godlessness slays 

souls, this in the midst of air-conditioned

whee! The world's a creepy crawly crumbling 

place up close but like stained glass from way high


These stained glass glitter waves red russet fields and green

paint chords of inner music sung by what this eye has seen.

*Obshchina signifies a historical Russian phenomenon in Tsarist times, that of village communism; a successful model which some ideologues tend to forget in their haste to announce that communism does not work, just as they forget the Hutterites, Bruderhof, Doukhobors and sundry. Communism does work, this non-communist declares, and it matters to declare this fact; to explode the inadequate going understandings of communism in practice and to situate these matters in the clear sight of day in art and thought. 

** Of note, the Free Diggers of England proposed a similarly Crown-sponsored village communism, which suggests a clear-sighted view of the possible well worthy of mention.

Friday 3 September 2021

Once upon a time and space there was a planet

with a geometrically expanding population

and a finite resource base. Instead of telling people

why there were so many and dramatic changes

suddenly, it was decided to REDACTED carbon

credits and abortion, homosexuality REDACTED

mobilising children to demand REDACTED

so that aggregating interlocking

of directorate just said that cow farts

didn't want new airports. Sometimes it's expedient to

say that history was your own idea, preserving

thus a shred of dignity. We got so idealistic,

don't you know. REDACTED. Marshall the influencers! “Wake

up the china!” “Wake up, Neo”. Wake up,

Everyman. Ah, winter. Time to sting the drones.

When we touch starfish they just liquify.

Even sardines have gotten tired of us.

Aha! We know! We'll put us under house

arrest and that will keep her very well.

The Science Is Uh Settled (which it never is of course)

as raggedly totalitarian decline declined

to mention, thus REDACTED silence fell REDACTED

*This is the last poem finished in New Zealand before fleeing to a freer place; and it is an appropriate end to BC AD NJ, a collection including substantial portions of this online blog portfolio but excluding some thought to be constructive but superfluous sketches or otherwise insufficiently worthy pieces; it was composed between 2006 and 2022 in New Zealand prior to fleeing the country and consists of three distinct cycles, as the title suggests.  I intend upon uploading the text of BC AD NJ to the internet archive once it has undergone further polishing. Anyone wishing to see the latest (currently the 10th) draft of the book itself can get one from in the meantime on request. Sharing rights for the book and its drafts are exactly the same: keep the book/draft sharing rights disclaimer and one's name intact and don't make a profit from it, but otherwise feel free to share at will. 


Friday 27 August 2021

The Interlocking of Directorate Is Green

The East is Red

“My gown stays white

from morn till night

upon the road of Anthracite...”

Why do the soldiers have a holiday

but not the miners? Curious! For brave

boys and brave men braved darkness and collapse.

“The clock struck twelve,

the mouse ran down....”

Cheaply extractable petroleum

ran down.We ran down Sunset Boulevard

together from Tomorrowland's RustBelt-

ifying lying,or at best half truth-

ful euphemistic language, taking breaks

from all that dirty hectic resource use

& economic growth, a sort of UBI

or Universal Basic Income but

with added fear, hysteria, and lies,

these rapids of recalibration. “Ring

around the rosie,

pocket full of posies,

Ashes! Ashes!

We all fall down.”

We tried to hold onto increasingly

greased ladders but we all fell down and down.

It came back into fashion to be tough.

“Be not a cancer on the Earth.

Leave room for nature.”

Colony collapse disorder. Massive

drop in bird & insect population.

Yes, “Leave room for nature”; and for freedom.

Yes, “Be not a cancer on the Earth”. Leave

room for liberty. Leave room for liberty.

Friday 23 July 2021

The ripples of His having come again

Before the 2nd Coming, it was simpler far

to hide one's inner predilections with a mask,

whereas these sorting outers days we scream out what are,

at least comparatively, new wine in new flask.

The shockwaves of His Comings radiate in waves

that drown the Nephilim, drown also Pharaoh's troops

and raise His New Church morning white horse from their graves,

a head of gold, the faithful city in fresh groups

and fresh considerations, patching not the old.

He came, Friends, like a thief just like He said

He would, just as discretely as He came with gold

wed silver for the inner humans in His head.

He came not to invade the Earth with angel host,

nor with the conquest Jews and Christians thought He would,

but with the fiery teaching of the Holy Ghost,

which maketh all things new like truthfulness and good.

These truths and goods, these rungs on Jacob's ladder should

be married, which is their conjunction with the Lord,

and not adulterous. Choose your forever 'hood

with care along the way and grow to love the Word.

For when adulterous then truth and good

are bread of wickedness and wine of violence, thus

the evil and the false, the harlot's neighborhood.

Hence the commandments taught by God Himself to us.

Friday 18 June 2021

We're going to need far more tentacles than this!

If Centre abnegation Overton

contraction led to Hard Right, Hard Left or

Hard Centre (being Far's successful fruiting), one would hope

for such a leader as the noble Salazar.

For Abnegation of the Centre leads to Overton

contraction → Polarised society → Disequilibrium.

Hard Left – Hard Centre – and Hard Right vie with the abnegation caste;

whence Stalin, Salazar, and Strident Mustache, not at Yalta but

as though. Before the silence falls, now know:

The abnegation of the Centre muffles language as

speech muddies, renders it mob-hashtag rule

instead of English, plants mines in precisely truth,

kills cities. Crumbling infrastructure – Debt –

The terrorising of selectorates and courts --

Fearporn-imbued, totalitarian Move! Move it! Move along!

hysteria – Steered automation idle people bomb –

The situation's far too complex and

dynamic for the present leadership

to even grasp! Sock puppets do not rule

but file the paperwork of tidal waves

with Globalism's Moolah (1) and its State (2),

which both not just the first will aggregate

in interlocking of directorate.

Unlike 'Reptilians', this one boasts proof!

Those stuffed shirts simply are not bright enough

or brisk enough to keep with the Earth

they 'rule' supposedly in Parliaments

and boardrooms, think tanks and foundations, but

don't actually; they're more like surfers on

our wave, and then our wave is over. They're

relieved not to be dangling from a post

who now and then might implement the Moon

and lash The People with mere urgency.

Friday 7 May 2021

Scrawled doodle on exam room desk

We saw an Empire crash and burn.

most humans cycle more than learn,

She paints her wrath with Cynthia and Steve..

This came as no surprise. We praised

its sunset with our lips but dazed

(we had to after all, because

of the hysterical totalitarian stampede)

among the liars in our heads

He paints his envy with the face of Tom.

which suckle on our empty dreads

we see a dream we choose of love

or hate as light by shadow, dove

by owl we crumble in the room

where Jesus sword cuts through

our foreheads and our hands with flood and fire,

where we are choices in His loom.

She never ceased to paint her wrath with Cynthia and Steve,:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

We reap the whirlwind that we sow

be this a lifetime of mere self

a grape skin empty bottle

lightbulb's filament, a mote of dust

or prospering our neighbour's health.

Our automation phase shift looms

Watch out for hating people you don't hate!

in offices and living rooms

as mass society stampedes.

They paint their issues with your face!

True warnings happen. No one heeds,

or few. The technocratic mob

howls. Someone guiltless has no job.

He never ceased to paint his envy with the face of Tom:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

Friday 16 April 2021

Elegy for the Victims of Hysterical Totalitarianism

 FEAR The humans are stampeding on the veldt,

Hey citizens! The wonderful experimental drug

FEARPORN stampeding down the interstate,

is ready, it's on special, wow! Let's do this!

FEEDBACK LOOPS in a blind panic

Look, they're lining up, celebrities

and all! There's Midwin Charles! Oh wait there's not.

Or was one hell of a coincidence!

SUBLIMINALS whilst wild calliopes galumph.

1. Unplug electric cobra. 2 Change the world.