Monday, 29 May 2023

Watch and Pray

 I caught a sin and error thoughtform lounging in my head 

And waited for it to depart. It did not, so I said,

You are a mere, unwelcome sin and error thoughtform chill

And shadow. Your departure is the Master's will

Who let you in to purify one's platter and one's cup,

One's heart and mind. You're no more useful here, "vile spot"! Get up,

Get out, go on to your next post, sandpaper of the soul.

Out of the Master's way! Thank you for furthering His goal,

Which is the cleansing of the human race of filths and bloods

With furnace and with flood and sundry draggings through the muds.

Thank you for being there for me with insufficient straw,

For helping me grow love, which is fulfillment of the law.

I'd thank you more, but you were quite a meddler and a pest. 

When you depart, Naphtali comes! He's far the better guest.