Friday, 18 June 2021

We're going to need far more tentacles than this!

If Centre abnegation Overton

contraction led to Hard Right, Hard Left or

Hard Centre (being Far's successful fruiting), one would hope

for such a leader as the noble Salazar.

For Abnegation of the Centre leads to Overton

contraction → Polarised society → Disequilibrium.

Hard Left – Hard Centre – and Hard Right vie with the abnegation caste;

whence Stalin, Salazar, and Strident Mustache, not at Yalta but

as though. Before the silence falls, now know:

The abnegation of the Centre muffles language as

speech muddies, renders it mob-hashtag rule

instead of English, plants mines in precisely truth,

kills cities. Crumbling infrastructure – Debt –

The terrorising of selectorates and courts --

Fearporn-imbued, totalitarian Move! Move it! Move along!

hysteria – Steered automation idle people bomb –

The situation's far too complex and

dynamic for the present leadership

to even grasp! Sock puppets do not rule

but file the paperwork of tidal waves

with Globalism's Moolah (1) and its State (2),

which both not just the first will aggregate

in interlocking of directorate.

Unlike 'Reptilians', this one boasts proof!

Those stuffed shirts simply are not bright enough

or brisk enough to keep with the Earth

they 'rule' supposedly in Parliaments

and boardrooms, think tanks and foundations, but

don't actually; they're more like surfers on

our wave, and then our wave is over. They're

relieved not to be dangling from a post

who now and then might implement the Moon

and lash The People with mere urgency.