Friday, 7 May 2021

Scrawled doodle on exam room desk

We saw an Empire crash and burn.

most humans cycle more than learn,

She paints her wrath with Cynthia and Steve..

This came as no surprise. We praised

its sunset with our lips but dazed

(we had to after all, because

of the hysterical totalitarian stampede)

among the liars in our heads

He paints his envy with the face of Tom.

which suckle on our empty dreads

we see a dream we choose of love

or hate as light by shadow, dove

by owl we crumble in the room

where Jesus sword cuts through

our foreheads and our hands with flood and fire,

where we are choices in His loom.

She never ceased to paint her wrath with Cynthia and Steve,:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

We reap the whirlwind that we sow

be this a lifetime of mere self

a grape skin empty bottle

lightbulb's filament, a mote of dust

or prospering our neighbour's health.

Our automation phase shift looms

Watch out for hating people you don't hate!

in offices and living rooms

as mass society stampedes.

They paint their issues with your face!

True warnings happen. No one heeds,

or few. The technocratic mob

howls. Someone guiltless has no job.

He never ceased to paint his envy with the face of Tom:

uncircumcised, slain by the sword.