Friday, 22 March 2019

Thou shalt not forget thy PPE

And “fire”, or how to make 
the flame-retardant raiment
came down from on high, 
consumed who would not
yet strap into their protective gear.
To wear a “Babylonish garment” 
piles on coal! and that is why 
who stoked the furnace died!
For “jealousy [doth] burn like fire”
and magnanimity is deadly to the dead. 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Street Battles of the Latter Twenty Teens

…neither shadow of turning…” -- James 1:17
Worn tents on Skid Row really dry one out.
It makes one wonder. Energy return
declining? Makes one wonder: what about
drill-baby-drill then dry tree? Will we learn
in time to save the day?
American society disintegrates,
so that return of each to his own land
no more United but the Disunited States,
seems much too plausible on every hand.
We’re getting in the way!
It’s like the 1930s on the streets.
Antifa blocks streets, clashes with Proud Boys.
Street battles shake the proles with polar cleats.
Professional protesters preen with toys
that will come due some day
such as those masks with deadman jawbones on.
Struck with a bolt of ideology,
they regimentedly feel put-upon.
They stream out of the muddled middle, flee
where they can have a say
from out the abnegated centre where-
be general thickening, unknown.
One takes positions on the orange man’s hair
with precious time on Earth that is on loan
while ours all gradually gray.
There is a name for all of this, you know.
The oligarchies’ techniques have a name!
Divide-and-Conquer Punch-and-Judy show. 
This but a single way they's play the game
at bus stops on the way.
While on His throne the Lord of Yang and Yin,
all things & Everyman & you and yours
takes all Creation for a scenic spin:
some umpteen simultaneous travel tours

beyond the forms of sense perception 
time & space

Octopus: The Necessary Model

Мне нужно модель мира с языками.

“...didst weaken the nations” -- Isaiah
Whither the White West? SIREN
Whither everybody? DOOF DOOF
Whither every ethnically homogeneous
land? O diasporisation! Welcome!
Welcome to our home phyletic tree!

Genetic politics of borders
represent with colour-blind
initiatives left, right, and blue,
and blooming of progressive algorithms,
and among us children holding signs up 
for their masters in the distance.

Looks like the coagulation of 
a tower breaks apart and then 
returns much larger, but one can’t
be sure among these sharp, shear, edgy edges,
marches, frontiers, fresh grounds, tentacles’
tangle. As with tower, so with

octopus, a microcosm & 
a model. “…part of iron &
part of clay…” (from book of Daniel)
Modelling as simultaneously &
penetratingly constructive strands
like kudzu by an interstate

on power pylons: Necessary
Model: simultaneous 
rotation of green tentacles
among known nations. Web-bots process Earth
like stratigraphic columns with word
base, like Jesus’ 7 flying eyes.