Friday, 20 October 2017

“…arsenal” (The Sun) -- Then, Insurrection of the Moon?”

'Calexit is to Aztlan as a peel is to its fruit'
puts one in mind of 1947 in Punjab.
News from the Grecian, Spanish, & Italian fronts is grim.
It’s happening in Vladivostok, happening in Minsk,
in Moskva, everything just happens happily;
but chargers dangle from the walls like shrunken heads.
Dendritic balance in equilibration 
rises in the foreground. In the background:
ageing demographics -->  baby factories or migration --
States’ reconstitution & recalibration,
like King Midas but with diasporas:
Palestinians, Armenians, Marwari, Afrikaners, Everybody
Everywhere Los Angeles-Manhattan
mirrored: thesis synthesis antithesis: Alt-Right/Identitarians 
+ Red Guards = centre-junta? “hammer of the whole world”?
Barcelona Declaration -- Coudenhove-Kalergi --
Barbara Lerner Spectre “over Europe” Sharia Patrols –
birth rate declining in Islamic heartland, globally --
Nordrhein-Westfalen cache (The Guardian) –
not deportation nono but totalitarian
centralisation YES! YES! YES! “ten thousand weapon 
arsenal” (The Sun) -- Then, Insurrection of the Moon?
is rain drops not yet hail stones inasmuch 
as Schengen Movement ends: internal passport system like 
a classified directory of home lines 
bends, trucks ramming into last men, fire doors
slam… thus water torture then the typhoon
till entangled, torn hearts, hear hope herein
left out of their blueprints & their speadsheets
hunkered, tangled in a tingling near year
Bracque violin of murmur amid clamor
clamber limber up the modelling rejected 
of the Builders of the Temporary
Tower’s teetering like elephants in 
The Temptation of Saint Anthony in
suites of swipe & swoop without disease.
Without, disease & want. Went out among 
our poverties; some poverties within 
our server bay organics, some without.
Why even let them in one’s server bay? 
East Asia doesn’t. Hermits don’t. So why?? 

Birds will be birds in branches of Yggdrasil.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Give me an A! CLAP CLAP Apokatastasis

Two men will be coding at the cubicle.
The one will call The Storm on all the world
a perfect storm Thank Friday that it’s Friday Ha!
The other one will say away a ways off in dense day
this Tribulation period  Grande Tribulation Velikaya Skorb
This storm Give me an A! CLAP CLAP Apokatastasis
of demographic skewing, geometric automation, 
crumbling infrastructure, exponential debt,
both Sun and Moon’s obeisance & that of the eleven stars
food shortage, water shortage, precious metals shortage
“they shall go no more out of the temple”
cancerous contamination of groundwater, air, seawater,
“and the Lamb shall be the light thereof” 
(Sun Moon 11 Stars of Heaven bowing)
is upon technocracy

Friday, 2 June 2017

Esquisse Exophonique

Cette brume s’entoure autour de nous.
Je sens tissus lointains.
Ces temps tumultueux s'accélèrent.
L’ouragan brumeux de tout changement s'accélère
et je sens tissus lointains.
Le Camp des Saints arrivent  en caravanserai,
la politique génétique, Babylone en spirale.
Parmi l’ouragan brumeux de tout changement
je sens tissus lointains

intemporels s’épanouirent, resplendissants.

It's a seedling factory, not a fun house!

There’s a backdoor in your mind
worth more than any cozy sugar cube.
Dendritic overlays of best fit shoots
don’t have shortcomings of AI or men;
would undermine this Planet of the Apes with victory.
He that clothes Himself with timelessness as
with a garment primed that backdoor in you
as a jeweller sets a stone. If you were
in a seedling factory, what might you do differently
among sneer-snarls, bulge-buzzard eyes, steep stares?
among men’s unmanned mannequins? not wearing clothes?

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Autumn Mosaic (rolling stresses)

Great Power condemnation
of Imperial Japan’s
invasion of Manchuria or Manchukuo
Now, coiled weeks spring in autumn
“Yes we have no bananas”
1949 1st Lightning Superpowers
1989 The Berlin Wall falls

Solar panels crumble underfoot

Sole-superpower period
Great Britain joins the
Asian International Investment Bank.
This triptych-- 3 Great Powers, Russia China & America --
rotates around a block of stumbling
as near Sol rotates around in Uncreated Light.
Flies of the marketplace buzz round one.

“Light ariseth in the darkness”

“Are you meditating?” Flies alight on contemplation
as on rotting meat, buzz sharply
“What did you just do?”
& sniff in disapproval at the hopeless help these days.
Buzzing coagulates in "How Are You Fine" clots
of dream home & retirement plan.
These are the drying templates known as sanity.

“All of my springs are in Thee”,  l'Éternel des Galaxies

No higher definition can exist
without the intervention of that Uncreated Light.
A covert psychopath seems very "well-adjusted to a sick society" 
to fallen stoats in waistcoats Game of Twister ‘ever after’ pigs in wigs.
Fastidiously cornerstoneless templates will not understand.
For how will people made of fairy gold dream dreams?

thus dream dream mansions? understand then new men

Onan as the converse of Elisha

in the first place? Old boys squee at one another
in the valley of the shadow then go down in flames.
They idolize retirement in the valley. Unsuccessfully.
Sometimes the melting masques slip & the other species
that inhabit Homo ecosystem peek out of the valley
too intently. Then I see a sculpture of behaviors,
interactions, plumbing, wiring -- suddenly holography

It says 'I shaved'

& horizontal interlocking.  Ticking tocking ticktock ticking
coiled weeks spring in autumn.
I open up my model of the Earth
and as so often lately, find myself
above the comma curling continent,
home of shrill shrinking Venezuelans
& wonder if the east of South America

I say "I groomed the horse"

will Balkanize… Regime change suddenly. GONG CHONG
My mind’s eye flicks to Rapanui car door slams
flicks over to Peru & Chile then primordial primeval “… not in service…”
back aback in time to Chachapoyas, Viracochas, beep! beep! beep! beep!
spiraling to life! I AM ALIVE honk! honk!
within disintegrating matter. I’m HOOOOOOOONK
modelling imperfect storm in all directions. CHGONG GCHONG

Saying 42: "Be passerby"

Friday, 17 March 2017

Verse notes on the Metcalf sniper shootings of 2013

spiked trees
Radical environmentalism’s 
"Roadblock. Let me do the talking"
lodge's conflagration
monkey wrenchers’ caused 115 
Earth First!
million dollars’ damage in 3 decades 
“Do you have a petrol permit…”
vs 15 million dollars’ sniper
“…for that minivan you’re driving?”
damage from the Metcalf shootings 
“No! I mean, I own it” --
(which transpired across about an hour).
“Mother & her children 
own that minivan, you waster!"
Infrastructure in a crumbling state is
“So, you’re saying” he continued
“But I, no I…!” -- “Quiet, waster while I!”
more significant than infrastructure
“that you are not classified to drive this…”
in a building state; the Luddites of the
“…limited supply of petrol..."
upward slope or peak are not those of the
[Petrol Use & Classifying Edict:*
twilight. Neither are the Nihilists, the 
Ambulances, Combine Harvesters & Vigilantes]
“hereby execute the sentence”
Nazis, the Anarcho-Communists… For 
coefficients between debt & crumbling
infrastructure spot technocracy with crosshairs.

*Note that this deliberately represents the possible consequences of a decline in Energy Return on Investment real or artificial in the specific form of unpopular decrees, Edicts of Diocletian for a complex hydrocarbon age.
**The interwoven bangs are almost certainly a deliberate allusion to Rammstein's song "Fire at Will", so one cites this now without quite recalling whether it was so intended or an instance of cryptomnesia.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

What Would Mars Do?

Mars Prince of War invaded Russia twice
because it is Mars Prince of War; that is,
considerations of logistics &
supply -- & even victory! -- don’t exist
for it. The need for War, a nice long war,
is all that matters to Mars Prince of War.

Shanghai Cooperation Council -- Dong
Feng missiles -- Antimissile installations
on the NATO border with the Russian
Federation -- Wikipedia: “...war
spending doubled economic growth rates”
(from the WW2 sub-article of
“Great Depression”) -- What Would Mars Do? Harvest

us; impose our carrying capacity;
interpose Itself between The Debtor
& The Creditor; kill umpteen million;
shovel all those mass men into mass graves;
insource factories; skim those excess males off
India & China; keep the helot
population down; veil drifting kaos
in earnest, greasy clouds of fog of War.